Numerous people contributed to the completion of this report. A special thank you to the following:

To Linda Schroff, Jim Worlund, and Patricia Arredondo - OES Staff in charge of EOC operations during the earthquake response.

To City Staff who responded to the earthquake and had to relived their experiences to provide the information in this report.

To Constance Holland, who conducted the staff interviews and Lenore Weiss who produced the first edited draft.

To the current OES Staff who produced the finished product.


Henry L. Gardner, City Manager
Craig Kocian, Assistant City Manager
Shirley Hibbitts, Deputy City Manager
Karoline De Martini, Deputy City Manager
Michael Bridges, Deputy City Manager
Avon Manning, Deputy City Manager
Ezra Rapport, Assistant to the City Manager


Henry R. Renteria, Emergency Services Manager

Erin Callahan, Management Assistant

Jim Worlund, Emergency Planning Coordinator

Constance Holland Emergency Planning Coordinator

Renee Domingo, Administrative Analyst II

Eileen Ogata, Senior Secretary

Linda Schroff, Consultant

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