Museum of the City of San Francisco
By Subject
By Year
The Gift Shop

1906 Fire Origins, Compiled from Army,
Fire Underwriters' and Fire Dept. Records, and Eyewitness Accounts

239 Geary St. near Stockton across from Union Sq. "The Geary" rooming house
Attended by Fire Engine Co. 2.

San Francisco Brick Co., Bay and Powell
Chimney fell - attended by SFFD.

Stauffer Chemical Sulphur Refinery, Bay and Dupont streets
Attended by SFFD - Still burning on April 21, 1906

Ashbury and Waller streets, electrical wire
Attended by Fire Engine Co. 30

Masonic and Waller streets.
Reported by Batt. Chief Conlon.

Battery and Sacramento streets
Fire seen by SFFD units - not attended.

Beale and Market streets.
Seen from Central Fire Alarm Station (CFAS) - Not attended.

9 Brehnam Place, Central Fire Alarm Station
Caused by falling chimney - suppressed by water from broken Fire Alarm batteries.

Dupont [now Grant Ave.] between Pacific and Broadway. Reported by Police.
Attended by Truck Co. 2.

1123 Buchanan Street, Coal oil stoves.
Attended by SFFD, Loss: $150.

Bush and Market streets.
Seens from CFAS, not attended.

Twelfth Ave. and California Street
Attended by SFFD.

Howard St. near Hawthorne. Chinese Laundry across from Engine Co. 4's quarters.
Attended by SFFD.

Davis and Pacific streets.
Reported by Batt. Chief Cook.

Pine and Sansome streets. Fire in basement of building on Sansome north of Pine.

Pacific and Leavenworth streets. Fire in drug store.

Front and Vallejo streets.
Reported by Batt. Chief Cook.

Front and Sacramento streets. California Fireworks Factory
Not attended by SFFD. Merged with fire from Davis St.

Folsom, bet. Fifth and Sixth streets.
Attended by Engine Co. 6.

Fifth and Minna streets.
Not attended by SFFD.

282 Natoma St. near Fourth, fire in collapsed home. Merged with SFG&E fire.
Not attended by SFFD.

Third and Howard streets.
Attended by Engine Co. 4. Merged with Sixth and Howard fire.

Third and Minna streets, saloon fire on NW corner.
Not attended. Merged with Third and Howard fire.

Sixth and Howard streets. Brunswick Hotel.
Not attended by SFFD. Merged with SFG&E fire.

Howard between Fifth and Sixth. Fire in Chinese Laundry. Merged with Brunswick Hotel Fire
Not attended by SFFD.

Sixth St. bet. Howard and Folsom. Fire in bakery.
Attended by Engine Co 6. Merged with Sixth and Howard fire.

Seventh and Howard streets. Girard House.
Not attended. Merged with Sixth and Howard fire.

333 Sixth St. near Harrison, at Clara.
Possible spot or arson fire.

Twelfth and Howard streets. Fire in drug store.
Attended by SFFD.

224 Jessie St. near Fourth, San Francisco Gas & Electric (SFG&E) Power Plant - Fire caused by fallen smokestack. Fire destroyed Mission Opera House, Call Building and Palace Hotel. Ultimately merged with fires to the south along Sixth, Seventh, Howard, Folsom and others; to the east along Steuart St. and to the west with the Hayes Valley fire.
Attended by SFFD Engine No. 27.

14 Steuart St. near Market. Smith's Cash Store.
Attended by SFFD.

40 Steuart St. near Market. Brown's Store.
Attended by SFFD.

117 Steuart St. near Mission. Alice's Rooming House.
Attended by Engine Companies 1 and 9, Oakland fire engines, and the Governor Irwin fireboat.

13 Fremont Street near Market.
Attended by SFFD.

149 Fremont Street, Martel Power Co.
Not attended by SFFD.

Golden Gate Ave. and Devisadero.
Attended by Engine Co. 30.

2625 1/2 Harrison St. Candle fire.
Attended by SFFD.

395 Hayes at Gough St. Possible fire in broken chimney, or caused by cooking.
Attended by SFFD. Destroyed City Hall and St. Ignatius, then merged with larger South-of-Market conflagration and burned into the Mission District.

Fell and Octavia streets.
Reported by Assistant Chief Shaughnesy.

1620 Sutter St.
Attended by Fire Underwriters' Patrol.

Sutter and Polk. Fire in Dance Hall
Attended by Truck Co. 4.

1310 Polk St. Wires.
Attended by Fire Underwriters' Patrol.

Polk and Austin streets. Fire in drug store.

Occidental Hotel. Fire in drug store put out by police.

1735 Laguna St. at Sutter. Coal stoves.
Attended by Fire Underwriters' Patrol.

Laguna and Fulton streets.
Attended by SFFD.

Laguna and Hayes streets. Drug store.

Mission and 22nd streets. Lippman's Dry Goods store.
Attended by SFFD.

London and Paris streets.
Attended by SFFD

Dolores and 15th streets.
Out upon the arrival of Engine Co. 7.

Third Ave. and Clement. Small fire in back of store.
Attended by Engine Co. 26

Seventeenth Ave. and Clement St.
One house destroyed, 2 damaged by fire.
Attended by Engine Co. 26

Washington and Davis streets.
Attended by Engine Co. 12 and Oakland Fire Department.

2007 Devisadero St. Fire started by falling non-safety matches.
Not attended by SFFD. Suppressed by occupants.

Sansome and Battery streets. Fire broke out following 8:14 a.m. aftershock.
Not attended by SFFD.

Hyde and Jackson streets. Possible chimney or cooking fire.
Not attended by SFFD.

Commercial, bet. Montgomery and Kearny streets.
Reported by U.S. Army during dynamiting operations.

O'Farrell and Williams streets. Drug store fire.
Attended by Engine Co. 2.

728 Montgomery St. Caused by falling non-safety matches.
Suppressed by occupant with water from vase.


Van Ness and Clay streets. Claus Spreckels Mansion. Possible arson.
Not attended by SFFD. Not an original fire.

Howard and East St. area.
Capt. Wildman of U.S. Army Signal Corps on April 18 reported to a Fire Dept. officer that fires were set in quake-damaged homes in that area to collect fire insurance. Not original fires.

Delmonico Restaurant/Alcazar Theatre, O'Farrell near Stockton. Accidentally set by U.S. Army or possible incendiary fire. Not an original fire.
Not attended by SFFD.

Chinatown – North Beach. 60 individual fires started by John Bermingham, Jr., of the California Powder Works on April 18 in an attempt to dynamite fire breaks. Dynamiting occurred after Army personnel refused Bermingham's assistance because of his extreme intoxication
Not original fires. Not attended by SFFD.

Viavi Building, SE corner Green and Van Ness. Dynamite-caused fires on April 20th destroyed North Beach and threatened Fort Mason.

Kearny and Clay streets. Fires caused by U.S. Army dynamiters.
Not an original fire.

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